HomeAnimalsSri Lankan Elephant-The Pearl Of Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan Elephant-The Pearl Of Sri Lanka

Sri Lankan elephants

The Sri Lankan elephant is a member of the subspecies of the Asian elephant. Asian elephants are regarded as the largest land animal in Asia, with the Sri Lankan type being the largest of the three subspecies of elephants. Elephants of Sri Lanka are one of the world’s largest and rarest land animals/mammals.


As part of an active conservation program, Sri Lankan elephants are believed to be at risk of future population decrease because of their small population size (just a few thousand individuals).

Geographically, they are confined to Sri Lanka, which lies off the southern coast of India and is home to the tiger population. Fragmentation of their habits, a reduction in their geographic range, and a high frequency of deadly contact with humans are all factors contributing to their extinction.

Attractive, Fun Facts About The Elephant Of Sri Lanka

  • Grass, fruit, and roots are the primary diet.
  • This elephant is one of the world’s largest and most endangered land mammals.
  • Long trunks and wide feet are their distinguishing characteristics.
  • Rainforest and tropical woods are the natural habitats.
  • Their predators include humans and tigers.
  • They are herbivore in natural
  • Litter size, on average, is 1
  • Their lifestyle is herding
  • Their favorite food is grass
  • Sri Lankan Elephant Conservation Status is known to Endangered
  • Sri Lankan Elephant is confined to Asia
  • Sri Lankan elephant Slogan is “Now restricted to a few parks!”

Sri Lankan Elephant Physical Characteristics

  • Colour:Brown,Grey, Black
  • Top Speed: 26-27 mph
  • Skin Type: Leathery
  • Height: 2.1m – 3m (7.3ft – 10ft)
  • Weight: 3,200kg – 5,200kg (6,600lbs – 11,200lbs)
  • Lifespan: 57 – 70 years

Scientific Name for the Sri Lankan Elephant

Even though Sri Lankan elephants are genetically distinct from other members of their species, they can also be referred to as Asian elephants, just like their relatives located elsewhere on the continent. These creatures are referred to as Elephas maximus Maximus in taxonomy terminology. The word “elaphas” is derived from Greek and Latin roots and refers to an antlered animal or a “big arch.” Additionally, the Latin word Maximus means “largest” or “greatest,” which is a perfect choice given their massive size and stature. The subspecies is a member of the Elephantidae family, which is a subclass of the Mammalia class

The appearance of the Elephants in Sri Lanka

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Sri Lankan elephants are the largest Asian elephant subspecies and the largest land mammals on the continent, dwarfing all other land animals in the region. Adult Sri Lankan elephants can grow to a maximum height of 11.5 feet, which is approximately double the height of the average human male. The weight of an individual can range between 4,500 to 12,200 pounds. In general, male Sri Lankan elephants significantly more significant than their female counterpart in stature. Male Sri Lankan elephants are typically 20 to 30 percent taller and might weigh nearly twice as much as females of similar age, depending on the body type.

Their bodies are predominantly grey, with lighter spots or flecks here and there, caused by a lack of pigment in some skin cells in this population. These creatures have round bodies that are supported by long, muscular legs that are conical in shape. Small, angular ears are snuggled next to their heads, giving them a distinctive double-dome shape, and they have an irregular double-dome shape. These creatures, like all elephants, are also equipped with a long and flexible trunk that may be used for various reasons.

The males of elephants of Sri Lanka differ from those of other Asian elephant subspecies in that only a tiny proportion of them (about 5 to 10 percent) develop prominent tusks. Aside from that, female Sri Lankan elephants never develop tusks that are longer than small nubs, unlike their African counterparts. 7.5 feet long, the enormous tusks ever recorded on a Sri Lankan elephant belonged to Raja, a nationally known animal in India who performed ceremonial duties at a local religious center.

The Behaviour of Sri Lankan Elephants

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The Sri Lankan elephants share many of the same characteristics as other elephant species, including sophisticated and integrated social activities crucial to their development and survival. Clans are made up of related mothers and their calves who travel together and share the responsibility of caring for their offspring. After reaching sexual age, male elephants disperse from their tribe and live either in solitary or in small, loosely-bonded groups with other male elephants.

All Asian elephants use various communication tactics to connect with their clan members and potential mates, and they are no exception. When it comes to communicating, their mouth and trunk are involved in producing a range of sounds for short and long distances. Several glands also secret their chemical signals, and they may use their trunks to communicate with one another through contact.

The Elephants of Sri Lanka and Their Environment

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Following their name, these subspecies can only be found on the Indian island of Sri Lanka, which is off the country’s southern coast. When it comes to elephants, they used to be located all over the island, from the coasts to the highlands, but currently, they are primarily found in the lowland parts. Their natural migration patterns dictate that they only spend a portion of their time in regions that have been chosen as national parks or preserves.

Because of their natural environment, i.e., hot and dry climate, these elephants engage in various behaviors designed to keep their internal temperature under control. Submerging themselves in freshwater bodies and covering themselves with mud is something that they are regularly seen doing. They also flap their ears regularly as a means of discharging excess body heat.

Diet Schedule of the Sri Lankan Elephant

Due to the large amount of plant matter that elephants of Sri Lanka consume daily, they are classified as megaherbivores by the scientific community. Adults can consume up to 10 percent of their body weight in food in a single day or more than 350 pounds in a single day. Because of their voracious appetite, they must forage for food for more than 13 hours every day and frequently migrate to locate new feeding sites throughout the year.

What does the Sri Lankan elephant eat in its daily life?

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In this group of elephants, generalist foragers refer to those willing and capable of eating a wide variety of vegetation. Scientists have discovered more than 150 different plant species that are essential components of their diet, including dozens of cultivated species for human use. Foraging in regenerating woods is generally superior to foraging in mature forests.

Threats to Elephants of Sri Lanka and their Predators

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As a result of a tiny and falling population, conservationists have declared the Sri Lankan elephant critically endangered. The continuation of habitat fragmentation resulting from the expansion of human settlements and the extension of agricultural regions is a severe danger. From antiquity to the twentieth century, these elephants were repeatedly targeted for hunting and extermination, which resulted in the extinction of the natural population.

Human-caused poaching and assaults by natural predators pose only a minor threat to Sri Lanka’s elephant population. In this subspecies, the scarcity of tusk-bearing males reduces the appeal of the animals to ivory poachers. On the other hand, conflicts with humans continue to be a primary source of death for these elephants. Because of their natural habitat loss and fragmentation, these animals have been forced to migrate through populated areas, where they may become violent and ultimately die. Some farmers even purposely shoot, or poison elephants that they believe are causing damage to their crops.

What are the predators of Sri Lankan elephants?

These elephants are preyed upon by very few natural predators, aside from humans in the past, because of their enormous size. The Bengal tiger is the sole known predator of these young elephants, and even this hungry and powerful carnivore typically restricts its prey to young elephants in the wild.

Reproductive behavior of elephants of Sri Lanka

Males compete with one another in mating rituals, with females making the final decision on who is the most desirable partner. Reproduction in Sri Lankan elephants can occur at any time of the year, but it is heavily impacted by the hormonal condition of the two individuals participating in the process. Females have a brief period of 3 to 7 days during which they are fertile and ready to mate, after which they become infertile. Males also go through a similar hormonal phase, known as musth, which dramatically boosts their potential mates and raises their sexual desire.

Sri Lankan elephants gestation period

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Elephants of Sri Lanka have a long gestation period, which can last up to 680 +/- 13 days in some cases. They usually give birth to a single animal, weighing between 250 and 300 pounds when it emerges from the womb. Males are not involved in the upbringing or caring for their offspring in any way. Feminine groups such as clans led by a single matriarch are more likely to gather around related adult females than form their groups. All of the “nurse unit” members are responsible for caring for and raising the calves.

Afterbirth care of Sri Lankan Elephants

Calves must nurse in order to survive for approximately two years, and complete weaning is often completed after about four years. Weaned calves become self-sufficient within a year or two of being weaned, with male calves abandoning their clan to live in solitude or small groups with other male calves. Elephants of both sexes typically achieve sexual maturity when they are around 12 to 15 years old, and they can live for far over 65 years in the wild if they are cared for properly.

The Sri Lankan Elephant Population in Sri Lanka

Adult individuals in this subspecies are estimated to number between 2,600 and 4,100 until today. Since colonial times, the population has been falling, and conservationists predict this tendency will continue in the years to come. Some specialists fear that the species will go extinct in the wild within a few decades of its current population. Because they rely on wide migratory corridors and the risk of harmful interactions with humans, conservation efforts are extremely difficult.

Final thoughts about Sri Lankan Elephant

  1. Tusks: The tusks in Sri Lankan elephants are relatively rare compared to other types of elephants. Only a small percentage of mature males can develop them out.
  2. It’s a Monster of Epic Proportions: This subspecies is the tallest and heaviest of all Asian elephants, with the most significant height and weight. They can weigh more than 10,000 pounds and grow to be more than 10 feet tall at the shoulder when fully grown.
  3. Small geographic area: These animals are indeed significant, yet their native geographic area is relatively small. On the island of Sri Lanka, they can only be found in a few specific areas.
  4. Insatiable Appetite: To maintain their enormous body weight, these animals must consume hundreds of pounds of food each day.

I Laksitha ,nature,history lover and blogger,

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